Nigerian Actress Ini Edo marks her 38-year-old Birthday with three hundred thousand (300,000) cash giveaway, the Akwa Ibom State star took to her Instagram, to celebrate her birthday as she worships God for life, she wrote:
"Now unto Him, that is able to do exceeding abundantly above ALL that I ask or think, according to the power that worketh in me,
Unto Him be all Glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, World without end Amen.
Happy birthday to Me...A light on a hill that cannot be hidden"
She added "I will be giving out 300k to 30 people. Note ..This is for people who are struggling to feed In this pandemic..not for career, school fees or any of those..for now, Let's eat and stay alive, So please drop your account below if you need money to feed
We will pick randomly. stay safe stay home and God bless"
She has put a big fat smile on the faces of 30 Nigerian who are struggling to feed as a result of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.